Sunday, May 5, 2013

Media Blog #4: Connecting Flights

               I hate commercials. There's nothing worse than watching the season finale of your favorite television show and right when Spencer is finally about to discover who "A" is the scene instantly switches to a commercial. It is pretty normal to hear me screaming at the TV when this happens. But this Sears commercial made me do something that no other commercial has made me do before. I am a sucker for any romantic movie. Even if the actors and actresses are terrible, if its cheesy or cliché, my eyes are still glued onto the screen. So when I saw this commercial, I actually looked up from my phone screen and watched the entire thing. Way to go, Sydney Chan.
             This Sears commercial starts off as a romantic comedy trailer about two lost souls who have reconnected at the airport. The flights have been canceled due to the weather and these two people have some time to kill. The man is on a laptop, sitting next to the girl who is using an iPad. And whad'ya know, they introduce themselves as bloggers. They start to bond again, having endless amounts of fun at the airport and evidently falling for each other again. It was time to go their separate ways but the man goes after the girl, running towards her. She sees him coming and starts to run his way too. And then all of a sudden, BUHBAM they both run into a ginormous fridge. Wow you tricked me Sears, thanks a lot! Because love is a lot like hurtling headfirst into a giant stainless steel fridge. Sarcasm is my second language.
               To be honest, I love this commercial. It achieves diversion, one of the common advertising techniques. The tale about the two lovers had nothing to do with refrigerators but Sears included it anyways. The company was extremely clever to start the commercial off as a trailer because it will automatically grasp the viewer's attention for all those movie fanatics. It was the perfect spoof of a perfect love story with a twist at the end.
               The use of words are also present in this commercial. A statement pops up after they show a couple scenes from the trailer. "This holiday season, love goes viral." These words made it seem even more like a real trailer. The director of this commercial establishes some serious credibility because I haven't seen anything like it. The satire on the romantic comedy and the high level of cheesiness made it even better. The sappy quote that the couple says in unison, when the man says, "She was just like, perfect, you know?" and an airport worker telling him to "Go get her." It was just right. The product placement was spot on too. When you're watching the "trailer" and the couple runs into the fridge, its like it came out of nowhere. Your eyes are instantly drawn to the huge, shiny refrigerator towering over the couple and their suitcases. All in all, this commercial is exceptionally successful with the help of these clever ideas.
Totes weird that is cray, cause I'm a blogger too.

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