Sunday, June 2, 2013

Media Blog #11: She Looks Like... What?

           So I came across this song a while back ago and it seemed perfect for this occasion. Mike Posner's song, Looks Like Sex, is one of the many songs that objectify women and seems to stay very catchy as well. That's what all songs seem to focus on now. Love, sex, and drugs. Girls see themselves as objects and it's all because of the media. Young women see advertisements, music videos, movies, and celebrities and force themselves to be exactly like them. Girls crave perfection but just like anyone knows, nobody is perfect. That's why media is at fault. They are sending the wrong message to girls by saying you can get anything if you have a sexy body, if you have a pretty face, if you are absolutely perfect. The list is endless and the media is definitely not a good influence for young girls. But how could we possibly stay away from all this?
           Mike Posner's Looks Like Sex is quite disturbing in my opinion. Although this song is extremely catchy, it gives the wrong message out to young boys and girls. In the song Posner sings:
"That ass makes me wanna oooh, oooh, oooh,
You know exactly what you do, oooh, oooh, oooh,
I would really like to take that home
Everybody here knows

She looks like sex, sex, sex, sex
She looks like sex, sex, sex, sex
She looks like sex, sex, sex, sex
She looks like sex, sex, sex, sex
She looks like..."
           Yeah I get it, she looks like sex. Man, how many times do you have to say it..? This song speaks for itself. Men see women's bodies as objects and they take advantage of that. What bothers me the most is that women accept this idea of selling their bodies. I know that it isn't right for men to treat women as mere objects but I believe women are to blame for this as well. If women don't want to be treated like this, why do they wear skimpy clothing? Why do they go to extreme measures to be impossibly skinny? Why do women get plastic surgery? The answer is attention. That's what it's all about. Women desire attention and they will do whatever it takes to get it.
           We see this everywhere in media and in our daily life. In commercials and magazine ads, they use women's beauty to sell us something that we don't really need. Women are plastered on advertisements, posing seductively. When men mirror those same images, we laugh. We think it is pathetic and it's as though they are making fun of women. When women pose seductively, we just accept it as a part of life. We as a culture accept it.
            All these ideas get into the minds of young girls everywhere. Even though they really aren't objects, people start to think the only way they can be beautiful is to allow themselves to become objects rather than people. The media tells us that women are useless and they are only used to please men and sadly, it starts to become true. Even after everything girls go through to try to be perfect, it is still not good enough in the media's eyes.

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