Saturday, April 27, 2013

Media Blog #1: Acceptance

               I was watching a TV channel that was typically geared for teenage viewers and I came upon this commercial. When the commercial started, I honestly didn't even know it was a commercial. The quality and audio was not the best and it seemed like it was a home video that someone video recorded at the last minute. I think that is what made it so special and memorable for me. It was different than anything else I have seen. This commercial highlights Target's support for K-12 education by showing various clips of young adults opening their college acceptance letters. The fact that these are real kids, showing raw emotion made me connect to this commercial even more. Their excitement, happiness, and pride spread to my own body as I realized I wanted this exact moment someday. I want to open a letter and know that an actual college wants me to join them in this epic adventure. I want to scream on the top of my lungs and let the world know that I got into the college of my dreams. One of the most important thing about advertisement is connecting with the viewers and Target did exactly that.

               First of all, this commercial uses the need to achieve, one of the basic appeals of advertisement. Many parents' dream is for their kids to go to college, get a job they love, and live a successful life. The young teenagers who are jumping up in excitement motivates the viewers to reach their goal of getting into college.  For those who have already attended college, it might remind them of what it was like to open their first acceptance letter. For proud parents watching this commercial, it might remind them of their own child who is attending a university right now.

              In addition, this commercial is obviously using pathos to establish these emotional appeals. The raw emotion that the teens convey connects to the viewer, reminding them of something similar happening in their own life. This commercial triggers many emotions from all ages. It brings such a warm feeling in our bodies to see hope and opportunity given to young people who will become our future leaders.

              The home videos of these young teens were enough to make the viewers tear up. There are no words from Target throughout the commercial, except the statement in the end that says, "Every kid deserves this moment. Great schools can get them here." Commercials usually use a bunch of obscure words, or too many words to try to confuse and trick the viewers. But this commercial is real. There isn't any over-the-top special effects or any celebrities endorsing the company. It has a purpose - "Target is on track to give $1 billion to K-12 education by 2015."


1 comment:

  1. Target definitely hits the jackpot with shoppers who want to college! I agree with you that they definitely use a lot of pathos in this commercial. By watching happy people get into college with the help of Target, the viewers feel respect and admiration towards them. I also think this commercial has the appeal of guidance, because Target makes it seem as though they have this paternalistic aura and nature in that they are guiding kids and teenagers on a road that will lead them to have bright futures. I thought the music that they played was also very up-beat and up-lifting that created the emotional mood for the viewers.
